

NEXTBAR prides itself in providing quality raw materials for the creation, modification and innovation of drilling, concrete, ceramic and flotation fluids. With more than 20 years in the market, a constant anticipation for new technologies and with a discipline of service for our clients, NEXTBAR has a highly trained team that exceeds in trust at the time of offering our products and services.

In an ever changing global market, it is required to readapt and reinvent in order to flow with the movements of this industry. That is why NEXTBAR we highly value loyalty, respect and an overall admiration for nature. NEXTBAR’s everyday formation, development and growth are due to following the example of grandeur of our great guide Luis A Jáuregui.


To transcend in the fluids industry, with a constant evolution in quality systems, leads to an extensive training of our technical team in new technologies. Service, quality and the ability to adapt to the necessities of our clients is the main motor for our goals.


Achieve leadership in the fluids industry, by giving complete service to our clients; with clear solutions and anticipating their need for new technologies.

NEXTBAR © 2013 | Todos los derechos reservados.